Biotics 5 Webinars - Updated!

Please note, the webinar links have changed!

For several months now we have been working closely with a small, dedicated group of pilot testers from the network who have been helping us evaluate each new release and test the process for migrating to the new Biotics 5 system.  They will continue to help us prepare for the first Biotics 5 production release next year.  However, we would like you all to begin your experience with the new software as well.  We are now very close to unveiling a prototype release of Biotics 5 for exploration and testing by all those in the network interested in seeing for themselves how the new system works!   


In connection with that release we plan to hold two webinars where we will demonstrate the new system and give you the information you’ll need in order to access Biotics 5 and test drive it for yourselves.  We will also introduce you to the new Biotics helpdesk so you will know how to send us your questions, comments, and other feedback.  The first webinar will be held on  Wednesday, October 24th and the same content will be repeated on Thursday, October 25th .   At that time the Biotics 5 system will be available over the web in a shared testing environment. So, after joining us for one of the webinars, you will be able to access the prototype immediately, and explore and test to your heart’s content!  We are eager for your feedback and hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn how the system works, and perhaps even show it to others in your agency who will be interested in seeing the new Biotics.


Please join us for one of the following two sessions:


Wednesday, October 24th, 2:30 – 4:00 PM (Eastern)


Phone (or VoIP): (702) 489-0005

Access Code: 213-183-920

Webinar ID: 668-937-862


Thursday, October 25th, 2:30 – 4:00 PM (Eastern)


Webinar ID: 632-090-910

Enter YOUR e-mail address

Phone (or VoIP): (702) 489-0005

Access Code: 213-183-920


We look forward to having you join us.  Stay tuned for additional information as it becomes available.
