WEBINAR: Automating Occurrence and S-Rank Maps for Reports and Presentations
Whitney Weber
started a topic
almost 4 years ago
Frequently, Heritage biologists need maps showing element occurrences for a particular species for a report, presentation, or factsheet. These maps, typically take a small but significant amount of time to individually produce and are difficult to update. We often need maps showing regional SRANKS too, but screenshots of the NatureServe Explorer maps aren’t always high enough resolution for our needs. PNHP has recently developed a series of scripts to create high resolution state occurrence maps from Biotics data and regional rank maps using the NatureServe Explorer API. These scripts can create maps for all tracked elements within a state/province in a matter of minutes and be readily updated at regular intervals.
Whitney Weber (she/her/hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Whitney Weber
Frequently, Heritage biologists need maps showing element occurrences for a particular species for a report, presentation, or factsheet. These maps, typically take a small but significant amount of time to individually produce and are difficult to update. We often need maps showing regional SRANKS too, but screenshots of the NatureServe Explorer maps aren’t always high enough resolution for our needs. PNHP has recently developed a series of scripts to create high resolution state occurrence maps from Biotics data and regional rank maps using the NatureServe Explorer API. These scripts can create maps for all tracked elements within a state/province in a matter of minutes and be readily updated at regular intervals.
Whitney Weber (she/her/hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Meeting ID: 926 3496 5235
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 926 3496 5235
Passcode: 551764 Find your local number: https://NatureServe.zoom.us/u/aeB6S0481o