During the exchange of ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL data from a local Network Program database to the central NatureServe database, a record for a standard taxon is rejected (for further review) if there is also an ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL record on a related nonstandard ELEMENT_GLOBAL record and, correspondingly, a record for a nonstandard taxon is rejected if there is also an ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL record on a related standard ELEMENT_GLOBAL record. This rejection rule was created because it is unlikely that a program intends to maintain records for overlapping concepts. The exception is the case where a standard species has infraspecific children that are nonstandard; these cases are excluded by the query as long as the species-infra relationship is entered in the ELEMENT_GLOBAL.PARENT_SPECIES field.


The attached query finds ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL records where there is also an ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL record on a related standard or nonstandard taxon unless the records are related by Parent Species in the ELEMENT_GLOBAL record.


Use the columns “RELATED_STDS_GNAMES” and “RELATED_NONSTDS_GNAMES” to determine which EGT records are related via Standard-Nonstandard Relationship. Check the Sname, distribution data, and Concept Reference (in the related ELEMENT_GLOBAL) of each record to make sure you are maintaining only the record for the taxon accepted in your jurisdiction. Delete unnecessary ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL records. Cases where the species-infra relationship is apparent only via the Snames, deleting a record is not necessary. If you are actively maintaining EST records in your system for taxonomic concepts your program does not actually recognize, notify Central Science staff by submitting a support ticket (by emailing [email protected] or via the Help Desk in Biotics: click Contact Support at the bottom of any screen, select “New support ticket” and fill in the form, entering Application: Biotics, Component: Science Request).